Donate Today

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Your Support Means Dogs Get The Help They Need And The Love They Deserve

If you've ever shared your life with a rescued bully breed dog, you know their love is unconditional.

These precious pups have overcome trauma and cruelty. They've been discriminated against and treated as unworthy. Simply put, they've experienced the worst of humanity.

But I am hopeful.

Why? Because of people like you.

Dogs need your help. Your gift means you will keep dogs off the streets and away from those who wish to do them harm. Your donation goes towards care that will give their spirit a chance to heal from all they've endured.

Immediately after you send your gift, your compassion goes straight to work providing medical care, food, and other vital resources needed to save vulnerable dogs from a devastating fate.

You aren't one to watch an innocent dog suffer without taking action. It all begins with you.

Without your support, none of this is possible. Not the freedom rides that transport poor pooches out of harms way. Not the urgent medical care, behavioral training, or nutritious food. Not the grateful looks in those precious eyes that say: now I am safe.

No, none of this life-saving work can happen without YOU.

Together, we can ensure that bully breeds all across Chicagoland are treated with dignity and find new, loving families. We save other breeds too!

You know the struggle pitties face every single day. From backyard breeding, to cruelty, to rampant misinformation about their essential nature. You get it. That's why I am asking for your financial support. So I can continue the work to rescue more dogs.

You can make a meaningful difference for a dog in crisis.

With your gift today, dogs will know what it's like to feel comfort, love, and belonging.

All good things from here,

Lynette Devine
President and Founder